Saturday, September 6, 2008

Welcome . . .

Hosted by the Faculty of Theology at the University of St. Michael’s College and organized by John Paul William Gibson, PhD student in theology, & Prof. Pablo Argárate, Professor of Patristics, the reading groups in Greek and Latin seek to give anyone interested in Biblical Greek and Ecclesiastical Latin an opportunity to hone (and develop) their skills with these languages. All who are interested are welcome to join us – whether you are a Toronto School of Theology student, a non-student, or a fisherman or tax-collector; if you have mastered Greek & Latin, or are a relative beginner, please join us. You can participate as much or as little as you wish.


Georges said...
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Georges said...

Wow, in all my years in academia I have never seen such a well-designed greek and latin reading group blog! Kudos to you, good sir!